That Other Thing I Do

When I’m not working on my latest novel I’m a full time, live in, caregiver for my mother who broke her back (literally) as a nurse for the state of Georgia five years ago. Most of the time it doesn’t interfere with my work so I’ve managed to get by without mentioning it.

Unfortunately last Wednesday I had to take my mother to the ER and we’ve been in the hospital since then. The situation is – not great. We’re expecting to have to remain at the hospital at least until sometime next week but even in the best case scenario I have no idea how long it will end up being before I am able to update the blog or anything else. Please bear with me and any good thoughts you can send in my mother’s direction, would be greatly appreciated.

Fly Commentors – FLY

I much like all Independent Artists, am really attached to the issue of net neutrality. Simply because I don’t have the budget to match companies like Netflix dollar for dollar so that I can access the same user base at equal speeds. So when I saw this video on youtube of course I had to share it (plus the unleashing of the trolls is just comedic gold).

If you haven’t already gone to the FCC’s site to comment, please consider doing so – and encouraging everyone you know to do so. It’s easy to do and as John Oliver mentions, you don’t exactly have to be Shakespeare to get your point across on the issue either.