A Vital Reminder

This last year has been a not so great time for me. I’ve spent a lot of time focusing on family (often at the expense of my writing) while my family minimizes my written work and suggests with full candor that I would be better off doing literally anything else. I might be a stone cold bitch that habitually writes about getting away with murder but that still hurts, a lot.

Thankfully other writers are always there to remind me that awful as that is, it’s also kind of normal. We all have to fight for the time and space to do that thing that no one else really understands and seems largely composed of staring at blank walls from time to time. And we’re all here to help each other out and deepen our craft as we go.

So let’s do a relink of some of the more visited posts on my blog that are full of helpful tips for other struggling Indie Authors out there.

Starting with the most important step:

Once you’ve got that you should update your series “bible” before tackling the beast that is formatting for paperback.

There you go Indies, a recap of everything that I’ve written on writing in this digital era that should prove useful to anyone looking for the information. Sign up for updates if you would like to keep abreast of anything new going on with my books or on the blog. Keep strong, keep your heads up and for the sake of the old gods’ keep writing!

When To Pay, When Not To Pay: Freeware Editing Software

In the last edition of When to Pay, When Not to, I went over some editing software and put it solidly in the “not worth it” column. I know, it’s still pretty tempting though isn’t it? Well to help save a few more bucks, I’ve compiled a list of free – and vital – programs that you can use to craft your novels in various ways.

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When To Pay, When Not To Pay: Best Editing Software

As I’ve been slogging through the muck of editing, marketing research (most of which I’ll end up not having the time to use) and formatting my latest novel, “In The Absence of Famine,” I’ve come to realize that there are a lot of programs out there offering to help writers, edit their work cheaply and effectively, cram their blog posts full of keywords, write whole blogs for them, etc etc. Time for another look at what is, and is not, worth spending your money on I think. Continue reading

When To Pay, When Not To Pay: Self Publishing Edition

It’s the middle of the busiest month of the year for me, and probably billions of other people worldwide; I’ve got holidays all month long and a book I’m frantically editing so I can make my traditional birthday release date. Six months later than I promised this time – but it’s going out the door if I have to light it on fire and have the fire department bust it out. In the midst of the holiday madness, the editing, the formatting, the creation of cover designs (the rejections of half finished cover designs) and the gift lust – I received a happy little mailer from BookBaby.

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When To Pay, When Not To Pay: Advertizing

Since I’m on this great self-pub journey with absolutely no savings or income to utilize, there’s a constant struggle to gauge what is a worthwhile expense and what isn’t. How much can I really afford to pay on this book cover? Since I can only muster up so much cash, should I do it myself and pour all of that into source files or hire someone else with more skills but higher rates for everything? Can I afford a line editor? Ads?

All of those questions and more swirl around in my head every day. If I’m struggling with these questions, probably someone else out there is struggling just as hard, confused and frustrated by the wealth of information urging indie authors to SPEND HERE. Welcome then, to the “When To Pay, When Not To Pay” series on Blargle Splect outlining some of the places I’ve decided to invest my limited financial resources and why.

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When To Pay, When Not To Pay: Advertizing

Since I’m on this great self-pub journey with absolutely no savings or income to utilize, there’s a constant struggle to gauge what is a worthwhile expense and what isn’t. How much can I really afford to pay on this book cover? Since I can only muster up so much cash, should I do it myself and pour all of that into source files or hire someone else with more skills but higher rates for everything? Can I afford a line editor? Ads?

All of those questions and more swirl around in my head every day. If I’m struggling with these questions, probably someone else out there is struggling just as hard, confused and frustrated by the wealth of information urging indie authors to SPEND HERE. Welcome then, to the “When To Pay, When Not To Pay” series on Blargle Splect outlining some of the places I’ve decided to invest my limited financial resources and why.

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So You Want to Make Your Own Book Covers – The Nitty Gritty Part 2

I promised I’d be back with some more useful hands on tips for creating your own book covers; here you were, doubting me, weren’t you. The following post will likely be broken into two pars and feature some NSFW bits.

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