Guest Post: Catrina Taylor “Knights of the Immortals”

Knights of the Immortals“Knights of the Immortals” is based on the question “What IF there were other hominid species that continued until today? What would they be like?” The answer might surprise you, it did me. When I started the first thing I did was look into the possibility that humans of today once walked with other hominids and according to scientists we have! At least three other hominid species co-existed with humans as we know them. Additionally, when you reflect on historical storytelling, some of them may have lead to mythological creations.

The most recent discovery confirms the prior existence of Hobbits. Yes, I said Hobbits. Smaller humanoid people that created tools, hunted and so much we still don’t know. This was discovered some time ago, but reaffirmed only recently when a prior ancestor was discovered as well. For a fun tidbit on these hobbits, not from the shire, check out this video from SciShow.


Once I learned our humans have existed alongside other hominid species, I researched mythology. It’s amazing what you can learn from ancient stories. Did you know that mermaids off the cost of Ireland and Scotland were vicious creatures that needed to lure in handsome men and women to live? Were you aware that both the Amazons and the Celts were thought to have attacked the islands of Atlantis? They did this not long before the island nation is thought to have disappeared. Neither group fared well against the famed children of the gods.

Here’s where the two mix to create the universe of “Knights of the Immortals.” Let’s imagine instead of being children of a god like Poseidon, they are a technologically advanced society of tribes who have agreed to co-habit the same island chain. Some of these hominid tribes would pass as the ever growing homo-sapien species over populating the Earth. There would be others who don’t pass for different reasons. Maybe some have an aversion to light, or are far shorter than most, or are bald by nature. Each tribe or species would have another benefit that the others don’t have. Let’s then imagine how a long lived group of technologically advanced peoples might look to homo-sapiens at around 10 to 20 thousand BCE. They would seem like the children of gods and maybe even seem like demons, monsters, or immortals.

It’s been a fun ride. With season one of “Knights of the Immortals” nearly released, I’m excited to get started on season two. If you’d like to get the first glimpse at the series for free, book one is available at

Guest Post: Spark by Karyn Pearson

Time for another awesome guest post! This time I’m honored to be hosting Karyn Pearson, a writer of paranormal fantasy! Take it away Karyn:

The Birth of the Hellfire Trilogy: An Origin Story

So one of the questions I’ve been asked as an author of a series is: how did the Hellfire Trilogy come to be? Did you plan to write three books? To be honest, I was surprised that Spark developed into a full fledged novel. When I first started writing it, I didn’t think I was going to have enough material to write a book from start to finish. I genuinely had no idea what I was doing or where I was going, which at first, was pretty scary. But despite my fear of writing something that might only turn out to be a few pages long, I pressed on. And as I kept writing, the tiny idea I had began to sprout and grow.

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A Day in the Life of Crimewriter Tim Ellis

Ever have that feeling that the whole world is conspiring to keep you from writing your novel? Between bouts of sick, migraines, random power outages and downed internet I am – still – plugging away at “Toxic Ash” rather doggedly. Unfortunately that means I’ve been neglecting the blog. Fortunately Crimewriter (not to be confused with Crimefighter) Tim Ellis is here to the rescue!

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Guest Post: Never Rains But It Pours & Other Such Nonsense

Time for another awesome guest post! This time I’m honored to be hosting Tracey Alley, a writer of fantasy fiction and a master of short forms including flash fiction! Take it away Trace:

Never Rains But It Pours & Other Such Nonsense

I used to hear this expression from the adults in my life a lot as a kid and I could never quite figure it out. Of course now I’m one of those dreary adults and have caught myself using the same expression many times. These days I know what it means – which is basically that if things start to go wrong they often keep getting worse. The problem is today that I work as a writer for a living and as a consequence I really think about words. Why do we use them? Where did they come from? And, maybe most importantly, why is the English language peppered with these odd expressions and strange turns of phrase?

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Eldritch Elysium: Cosmic Horror Just Got Sexy

I’m finally done with some kicking new logo’s to use as place holders for books in the Eldritch Elysium series until I craft their individual book covers. Check them out after the jump.
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How I Write

I am still horribly ill with the flu that just won’t be through. Thankfully another awesome author has stepped up and offered up a guest post with some insights into their writing process. Seb Kirby is a thriller writer with worlds of experience and an awesome mustache – take it away, Seb!

How I WriteWell, first I think that’s a very personal thing and that every author will have their own take on this. There’s no right or wrong way. As W. Somerset Maugham said: ‘There are three rules for writing a novel. Unfortunately, no-one knows what they are.’

Basically, I prefer the Stephen King approach as set out in his ‘On Writing’. You know, the book he wrote after he was hit by a truck when he was out walking to clear his mind after a writing session. The truck that nearly killed him. You get the idea that he felt he had to put it all in that book, just in case.

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As a Reader or a Writer, does Genre sometimes confuse you?

I’m feeling under the weather today but luckily we have a guest post from thriller author Faith Mortimer discussing genres. Floor’s all yours Faith!

Good day!

Over the years I’ve found the subject of genre to be rather puzzling, especially as nowadays the line between genre often appears to ‘bleed’ between two, three or even four different genre. Genre is a French term and although it can be used as a “kind” or “sort” of virtually anything, the most common usage is of course for categorizing stories by television, film, theatre and prose and applies to both fiction and nonfiction books.

But because genre is nothing more than a loose, fuzzy logic way of categorizing these things I often find it difficult to place a certain book or film in one category and if you’re honest I’m sure there are many people who feel the same way.
A book genre is a particular class or type of book. Books can be divided into a broad assortment of genres, and people often use genre as a criterion when selecting a book to read and because of this, if you’re an author, ensuring your book is correctly listed is most important.

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Sibel Hodge’s “Voodoo Deadly” Ebook Giveaway!

To celebrate the release of Sibel Hodge’s third Amber Fox mystery, she’s giving away 10 ebook copies!

About Voodoo Deadly…

Feisty insurance investigator Amber Fox is back in her deadliest case ever…

When Chantal Langton, the daughter of a famous voodoo high priestess, goes missing, is it a simple case of a rich girl running off for some adventure, or is there something far more sinister going on?

Soon Amber’s slap bang in the middle of voodoo curses, a trail of missing women, and a labyrinth of deceit. And, if that wasn’t enough, to add more distraction to the case, her ex-fiancé-turned boss-turned fiancé again is pressing her to set the wedding date.

Can Amber find Chantal and hunt down a cold-blooded killer before her life comes crashing down around her?

Praise for previous Amber Fox mysteries:

“If you like Janet Evanovich’s Stephanie Plum I think you will really like Amber Fox – I know I do.” Martha’s Bookshelf

“Amber Fox is a modern, career-driven woman who seems to be a cross between Kinsey Milhone and Gracie Hart (Miss Congeniality). I enjoyed the great mixture of action adventure and slapstick. I found myself chuckling out loud and on one occasion snorting water out my nose.” Coffee Time Romance & More

“Amber Fox was hilarious with her tough as nails outer persona and her hysterical one-liners that were frequently laugh out loud funny.I definitely recommend picking this book up!!” The Caffeinated Diva reads…

“Amber Fox is the kind of strong lead female character with a great sarcastic wit that I love to read.” To Read, Perchance to Dream

“Ms. Hodge has written a funny and suspenseful story much in the style of Evanovich’s Stephanie Plum books. The plot is fast moving and the dialogue very witty.” Coffee Time Romance & More

Head on over to her blog for a chance to win!

Good Luck!