Just the way shit goes…

14828_10152015672358558_680537552_nAlmost as soon as I posted that the story was stalled and looking at a major gut, inspiration struck and I now have a concrete direction to take things in that shouldn’t be too drastic!

I’ve still got a lot of work ahead of me but instead of looking at draining an ocean with a teacup now I’m just looking at climbing a steep mountain. One is impossible, the other is hard as hell but doable. What a relief!

I’d say expect additional progress updates all over the place but don’t, school has started up again and I’m looking at accepting additional duties to make more ends meet. That means even less time for everything else but the hope is that taking these steps now will lead me more quickly to being able to put way more time back into my writing work. Fingers crossed!

Crisis of Conflict…

21056157_10155191706703558_8464771038173336451_oI’ve been wracking my brain going through this rewrite and it was still horribly off. Time and again I’d have the thought that I loved this or that scene but I felt like Ash was leaning a bit to hard on this one character. Those thoughts eventually resolved themselves to “do I really need this character?”

Now I’ve come to the realization that I’ve got to delete that character, possibly in entirety. A character that was a vital part of the book, whose scenes will mostly be ruined by their absence. I think I’m looking at a 50-75% rewrite from scratch at this point. I’m still assessing the damage but it’s looking grim.

So that’s what I’ve been up to lately.